Minnesota Blue
Minnesota Blue is an acoustic band steeped in American roots music. Whether it's bluegrass, folk, country, or blues, Minnesota Blue brings it to the gig alive and kickin'. Lead singer Barbara Yotter has a distinctive voice that goes straight to an audience's heart whether it's straight-up bluegrass or an acapella ballad. Minnesota Blue is also the home of award-winning singing as Barbara and Minnesota Blue guitarist Kelton Parrish are the 2009 Minnesota Duet Champions, an annual competition held at the Minnesota State Fair. In 2010 band member Paul Johnson was a Fourth Place finisher in the same contest. His work on dobro guitar is another distinctive feature of the band's sound. The rhythm section is anchored by Scott Nye on bass. Minnesota Blue was formed in 2004 and has been pleasing fans of Americana, Folk, and Traditional Bluegrass ever since.
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